Court Procedure in Divorce Cases We hear a lot about the emotional aspects of divorce; feelings are not just a salient feature, but for many are the dominant feature of the process. But what, exactly, is the process? It may ...
IN DIVORCE, YOU MAY HAVE MUCH IN COMMON WITH AMAZON’S CEO Briggs P. Stahl recently wrote an article for Family Lawyer Magazine about certain legal issues in Jeff Bezos’s divorce (you can read the article here). The legal issues in ...
FINANCES ARE AT THE HEART OF MOST DIVORCES – DO YOU KNOW ENOUGH? January 22, 2019 Brett E. Jones, Esq. Knowledge is power. If you and your spouse divide the labor in your marriage, the spouse who does particular tasks ...
What happens if I get divorced? How does the divorce process work? Will I have enough money to support myself and my children? Will I get to be with my children? How does custody and visitation work? What will happen to ...
Some lawyers, trying to secure more divorce clients, trash mediation in their radio ads. Contrary to these advertisement’s claims, mediation frequently results in a better understanding of dispute issues and legally binding agreements, at less emotional and financial cost than ...
Your first stop should not necessarily be a lawyer: start at a book store or library and on the internet to educate yourself before you meet with a potential lawyer or mediator. After you’ve done that, call our office and ...
DEALING WITH THE MARITAL HOME MAY BE A CHALLENGE IN DIVORCE The website Credit Marvel published an article titled “How is Our Mortgage Affected During Divorce?” that we comment upon here. The article’s text is in regular type; our comments are in ...
DON’T CANCEL OUT YOUR INVESTMENT IN LEGAL FEES BY DRESSING OR ACTING INAPPROPRIATELY A British website,, says “When you see a judge or magistrate sitting in court, you are actually looking at the result of 1,000 years of legal evolution.” ...
DEALING WITH THE MARITAL HOME MAY BE A CHALLENGE IN DIVORCE The website Credit Marvel published an article titled “How is Our Mortgage Affected During Divorce?” that we comment upon here. The article’s text is in regular type; our comments are in italics. Here ...